I feel your pain bro. I would've done the same.
Clearly, The elephant was in the way!
This guy's the true legend.
I have too many problems myself.
Hahaha, seen a bunch of these, but funny as always! Great stuff, keep it up :D
coopl post bruz!
Haha, I had to laugh. The last one rocks :D
Hahaha, i lol'ed at the last :D
Hahah, always loved those pics!
Love the find x one
these always make me laugh :p
Seen them all before, still amazingly funny !!
Ha! That stuff is great.
last one is my favorite, as well. makes me laugh every time.
lol FOUND IT..
the last one made me lol my arse off
haha, i realized that a month ago i couldn't solve those problems.
now i can, yippee!!
i still hate math though...
i know right, i hate mattth.
Yeah dude, fuck math. shit sucks.
Very funny! I have sent them on too haha
Always chuckle when I see those comics. hehehe
Fucking elephants getting in the way of everything.
Legends indeed.
Yeh. Elephant guy should've got 100 points for that answer. Was totally right. Unless! It slid between his feet.
Lol at the first picture, I've been there. There comes a point where you just think 'fuck it' I have probably make an silly error somewhere anyway.
Haha XD Love it!
oh man. did the guy doing the problem died?
Last one is the best.
Haha.. nice!
i like your post!
good job here!
you just inspired more bubbles on "Enhanced by MS Paint"... check it out!
this post made me open my eyes and stop squinting!!!
Hahaha! I love those. XD they're great.
you've got a great point on this one
These are great! keep 'em coming man
Lol might throw that hanging joke on tomorows math test....WAIT! Theres a test tomorow? :S
I laugh at your assertion that women can't do math. Bravo, sir.
haha i cant do math...CAUSE IM A WOMAN. hahaha solve her own problems haha.
last one is legendary
Nice post, keep updating! =)
Love the first one. hahaha
Haha, at that elephant one. These are great, keep it up man.
hahahaha "she's a woman"
Lol... I hate math too, used to be very good at it, but dwindled with age
yea math is kinda nice after a certain level tho, you just need to be passionate about it. funny pics
cool but you're missing the proof that girls are evil!
Haha I love the elephant. I wish I had these ideas when I was in school.
"she's a woman" savvved
I like what you had to say here
Hahaha those are hylarious, i wonder what would happen if i did something like that? (I'm studying actuary so a shit-load of math is involved hahaha)
Haha, yes maths makes people crazy!
I never knew you can find x so easily! hehe
Mesty =)
ok man math is no for all ppls:)
Go drink a beer:P
I actually love math, don't kill me :P
Oh god... the first one... been there done that :P
bottom one is a classic
The "Find X" image truly is a legend.
awesome info here... good job!
Great post! keep up the great work!
Math is awesome, and part of the field I'm studying for, so yea.
hahaha all of these are great, my favorite was the first picture though
lol these made me laugh ugh hahah i have calc now..
love the last one...showin love, you should check out my blog's newest post
BAaaahahhaa... I am dying! omg.
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